A Perfect Circle is the shit.

Posted by Dyl On 9:32:00 PM
I just felt like giving this blog that title. Just because. Sue me. It's been some time between blogs, and I feel like its justly so. I've been on hiatus because I've been a little depressed. I think I miss home and I've been coming down hard on myself. I fell into this trap after constantly hearing about being consistent with my work and setting goals and having a plan for myself. It's like forgetting to learn how to ride a bike. Better yet, it's like choosing not to get on the bike, and blaming the bike for you not being able to ride it. In not being productive, i grew sick of myself and was placed in a deeper hole of not wanting to do anything about it. Then I talked to my lovely girlfriend.
Me, not being the ignorant person that I am, realized what i was doing to myself and picked up the phone. I vented my emotions to her, and it was such a relief because I just needed someone to listen. I also needed someone to snap me out of this co-dependency thing I've been going through for so long(since I started college). It was also reaffirming to know that she was always in my corner. We then re-evaluated my habits and assessed accordingly.
Now, today was the day my "action plan" came to fruition. I avoided the "idiot Boxes" all day, and I actually finished a book that I've wanted to finish for months now(The dark tower series by Stephen King; It's better than most action movies). I got some extra credit done for this class that I dread going to. I worked out, which I had been going strong with doing for a while until i fell off the wagon. After doing these things, I never want to stop. A wise man once told me that the best way to crush anxiety is to just do "it." Why waste time? Time flies when you're actually doing shit. I feel more optimistic now.
Well, that's all for now, nothing I can think of to write about. I still haven't gotten as deep as I do in my physical journal notebook, but hey, anything goes. time to get ready for bed, I'm f-ing tired...

Peace Out.

P.S., Next Blog is definitely going to be about Tila Tequila.

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